The latest HD cctv technology? BNC's for HD cctv
Do you want the latest HDcctv technology?
The latest technology in CCTV is HDcctv. Customers looking to upgrade their analogue CCTV systems can now simply switch to HDcctv compliant DVRs and Cameras by keeping their existing coaxial cable infrastructure and replacing the BNC connectors with our HD BNCs. Not only are coaxial HDcctv systems easier to install and lower in cost than Network based solutions, but also provide true HDcctv to SMPTE standards. This means that you will not lose definition when zooming – a common problem with video compression IP Network systems.
The HD video formats, which are most commonly used in the Broadcast industry, are 720p, 1080i & 1080p – the last currently being the highest available definition. The standards for these formats are set by the Broadcast organisation, The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). The latest standard for the Full HD 1080p format is SMPTE 424M. All of the equipment used in a system please click the link for detail
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